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St. Angela Merici speech


     Hello my name is Saint Angela Merici. I was born on March 21, 1474 in northern Italy. When I was little, my parents died and my sister and I were put in foster care. Later, we were sent to live with my uncle. During my early life, my uncle died and I went back to my hometown. When I got there, I saw there were several little girls with no education. I began teaching the girls how to pray and participate in church. I Followed Jesus by teaching little girls about God. I am also the founder of the Ursulines who opened schools and orphanages for kids. There are a few miracles attributed to me. One of them was when I went on a trip to the holy land. On my trip, I lost my vision. On the way back, I was praying before a crucifix in the same place I became blind, and my vision was restored. I died a natural death. I became a saint on May 24, 1807. My feast day is January 27. I am the patron saint of the sick, disabled, and physically challenged people.                 

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