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The wampanoag

     Did you know the word Wampanoag means people of the first light or people of the dawn? The Wampanoag tribe were very interesting. Their life style was very different than our life style now. Their location how they met their needs, and beliefs were very different from ours.


     The Wampanoag  lived in a very different location than us. They were located in Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. These states are located in the northeast region of the United States.The climate was normal with hot summers and cold winters. Throughout the summer and spring they had torrential storms and tornadoes. The land was green and grassy with many hills. It had many land animals and sea animals. They had lots of water sources, such as the ocean and small ponds. They got water from the ocean by sending a group of men down to get enough for the village and when they got back, the women would boil all the water for breakfast lunch and dinner. Overall, the Wampanoag had an amazing land and a plentiful location.


     Their homes, food and clothing were quite different than ours as well. They lived in wigwams which were dome like structures . The wigwams were made of straw, leaves, and branches. They also called them watues. The Wampanoag lived in small villages together. They had many food sources because the land was good for crops. They had corn, squash, beans. They also had a lot of recipes such as soupes, breads, and stews. Other foods they ate were turkey, deer, nuts, and berries.Their clothing was made out of buffalo skins, deer skins, and turkey feathers. The chief of the village wore a special hat made out of turkey feathers. Their clothes food and homes were very different from ours today.


     The Wampanoag tribe had few strong beliefs and customs. One of their beliefs was in a god called Manitou that controlled the universe. When they died, they believed they were sent west to live with him. A lot of times they gave thanks to him by offering him gifts of thanks or prayer. Another interesting fact about the Wampanoag is that they had Thanksgiving a long time before the First Thanksgiving. The whole village got together and had a feast with venison, corn, stews, and all sorts of other foods. Another custom was the selection of a chief. lf the village did not like him, they would move away or vote for a new one. Overall, the Wampanoags customs and beliefs were very important in their daily lives.


     In conclusion, the Wampanoag were a very interesting tribe with interesting beliefs, customs, needs, and a plentiful location. Furthermore, the Wampanoag are very different from us Since there are only a few left today, they are now creating a Wampanoag dictionary to keep their language alive because it is dying out. I hope they can live through this and continue to share their traditions with the world.

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