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Mayne Versteegen

St. Anne Catholic School

D.A.R.E. Essay


        People all over the world people are smoking, taking drugs, drinking, and using tobacco products. Now that we know what it can do to people in a way doing these things is like committing suicide. It's not impossible to stop doing all that stuff. Smoking and using tobacco products are bad already but there's also alcohol and drugs.


         First off, through the D.A.R.E.program, I learned about smoking and tobacco use. Some kids even smoke sometimes because their parents used to or still do smoke. Also, smoking isn't just bad for you. It’s bad for the people around you. Around 3,000 people die from secondhand smoking each year. Next up is tobacco. More than three million people use some type of tobacco product. That is not good because most of those people get addicted and eventually they die. Tobacco products are killing a lot of our community, and it does really need to stop. Mostly because it is killing 408,000 people all around the world each year. That is why people need to stop buying all the tobacco products.


        Through the D.A.R.E. program I also learned about the dangers of drugs.Around 30,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2017, and since then the numbers have gotten even higher. In 2018, 72,000 people died from drug overdose. Who knows how many people will die 2019 100,000? Hopefully not. Also people are sneaking illegal drugs into the country and selling them for a lot of money.


         Finally, I learned about the dangers of alcohol abuse. When you drink too much alcohol you could put your family, friends, and even yourself at risk. Mostly because you do stupid things when you’re drunk such as drunk driving. You could possibly have a weapon and harm someone around you or yourself. 30,000 people died from drug overdose in 2017, and since then the numbers have gotten even higher. In 2018, 72,000 people died from drug overdose. Who knows how many people will die 2019 100,000? Hopefully not.

In  conclusion the  D.A.R.E. program has taught me that I should not smoke and take drugs, use tobacco products, and have too much alcohol.


          I would like to thank Lieutenant Chris Whitt for teaching me all l know about drugs tobacco products smoking and alcohol. I pledge to never take drugs smoke use tobacco products or drink to much. Also to do all the things you taught us.   

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