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Jayden Deuling

                             Why you Should Own a Pet


        Do you think your family needs a pet? Many people are buying pets because they are useful. Animals help you emotionally. People with animals are more fit. Animals protect you from danger. I believe you should adopt a pet.

       First of all, an animal is a great way to help you emotionally. A study in 2016 showed the role of pets in the lives of people managing a long term mental health problem. Scientists found that pets provide a sense of security and provided emotional and social support. Many service animals help with anxiety. When you are with an animal you feel more safe and secure. When you are having a bad day your pet will cheer you up. Remember a pet can help you with emotional support.

       In addition, did you know that animals help you physically as well? Some resources show people who have pets have healthier hearts, stay home less often, make less visits with the Dr, and get more exercise. You can get exercise by running with them, playing fetch, and playing tug off war. A study in 2002 shows that people who have stressful jobs who have animals end up with a blood pressure that is more normal than those working the same jobs without owning a pet. Even when you stroke a pet, it lowers your blood pressure. It also causes social interaction. In conclusion, having pet may make you more physically fit.

       Finally, animals protect us in many ways. Animals can help detect weather. Cats see geomagnetic fields that are caused by storms and earthquakes. This helps them predict the weather. If someone broke into your house they will alarm you. They will alarm you by making a noise. Remember having an animal can protect you from danger.

You should get a animal because it helps you emotionally, it helps you stay healthy, and it protects you. If you don't get a pet you may not be as safe or as healthy. You should go out and adopt a pet today!    

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