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Jayden Deuling

St. Anne School

D.A.R.E  Essay


       D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education.  I have learned so many things about the D.A.R.E. program. Some of the things I have learned are to take care of my heath, try to have low stress level, and make good choices. The biggest thing for me is choices.


       One thing that I learned in D.A.R.E. is there are many ways to live healthy. One way is to not do drugs. Not only are drugs bad for your health, they are also bad for your skin, losing control, and losing your money. You would think that for some reasons it would be illegal everywhere but it is not. Another thing that is bad for you is smoking. More than 400,000 Americans die from tobacco related causes each year.  When you smoke it is not just bad for yourself; it is bad for the people around you. Smoking damages your lungs, makes you have bad skin, and gives you bad breath. I don't want to have bad lungs and not be able to do the things I was meant to do. One more bad thing is alcohol. There are many side effects to alcohol. Some effects are memory loss, loss of self control, slow reflexes, and poor judgment. Those are some reasons I will never drink alcohol. If you don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs, and don't smoke, you can live healthier life


        Another thing I learned in D.A.R.E Is to handle stress.  If you don't handle your stress right, you will not be happy. One of the best ways to handle stress is to calm down and just take a minute to yourself. People handle stress different ways. Some correct ways people handle it are by going to the spa or playing basketball. Just doing something to set the mind at ease is perfect for reducing stress.  Some incorrect ways some people handle stress are by drinking, taking it out on people, and eating too much. I used to take my stress out on people, but now I try to just calm down. This makes me more happy as well as my friends and my family.


       Finally, I have learned that we all have choices in life. o you know how to make the right ones? Even though something may seem small, it can change your life. Every choice has an effect which is similar to the saying, “what goes up must come down”.  D.A.R.E. helps you make the right choices. If you don't make the right choice, your future may change. Remember, just because someone is not looking does not mean that whatever your do does not have a effect.

In conclusion, the D.A.R.E program has taught me a lot of information. Some things it has informed me include how to handle stress, how to take care of your health, and how to make the right choices. I promise to always live a happy healthy life and never put my friends or family in a tricky situation.  Thank you Officer Witt for teaching us how to live a good life.

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