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Holes Differences

“Shink” went the shovel as the camper forced it into the rock hard dry ground. This is a camper digging their first hole. Like Armpit said from the book and movie Holes, “the first hole is the hardest.”Even though that is the same there are many differences between the book and movie Holes. Ghosts, the camper’s clothing, and when the Warden and Stanley say, “Excuse me,” are three differences.        

One of the ways the movie and the book Holes different are the ghosts. In the book, Stanley never saw ghosts when he was riding to Camp Green Lake. Also, Kate Barlow only heard Sam’s voices; she never saw him. In the movie, when Stanley was on the bus, he saw Sam and Mary Lou slowly walk closer to him. Also, Kate Barlow saw sams ghost saying, “l can fix that.” The reason they did that was probably that they wanted the death of Sam to be more dramatic. Also, it made Kate Barlow's death more extreme. I liked the movie more because it was more dramatic.

Another way the movie and the book are different are the clothes that the campers wore. In the book Holes, the campers used their hat if their hands were getting blisters. Stanley had to also use his hat when he got blisters. In the movie all of the campers got gloves to dig the hoit hassles. Also, the people in the movie got undershirts. I think the reason they did this was that they didn’t want the actors to get actual blisters. They also did not want the actor for Stanley to get his hands dirty. In this case, I liked the book better because why would people like the Warden pay for gloves for him and all the other campers?

The last way that the book and movie Holes are different is the quote “excuse me”. In the book, only the Warden would say, “Excuse me”. Also, the Warden never said, “Excuse me,” when she was younger. In the movie, the warden always said, “Excuse me.”In the movie not only the Warden said, “Excuse me,” but Stanley also said it while closing the trunk to the black car right before they left. I think they did this because what is a movie like that without sweet sweet revenge? Another reason they did this was that they wanted the movie to be exciting. I liked the movie more because that part was so funny.  

Some of the differences between the book and the movie  Holes are the ghosts, the camper’s clothing, and when the Warden and Stanley say, “excuse me.”  In conclusion, I think the movie is better than the book. I think the movie is better because there is more drama, it has revenge, and the movie is rated PG! I think the movie is more dramatic. I want you to read the book and watch the movie and see which one you like better.

Holes essay

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