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                                                      Saint Speech


Hello, my name is St. Patrick. I was born in britannia (brit-ann-ia)  385 AD with the name Succat. Later on, I became known as Patrick. During my early life, I was captured and taken by pirates. I searched for a way back to Britain. I escaped by paying my way by taking care of a pack of stolen dogs.I followed Jesus by becoming a priest when I got back to Britain. I  was sent as a missionary to Ireland where I baptized thousands of people, and made the first church of Ireland. There are several miracles attributed to me. One of the miracles was when I drove the snakes out of Ireland. Another miracle that I am responsible for was when I lifted my hand and it lit up so I could find my horses. One more miracle was when I turned an evil ruler that killed Christians into a fox. I died of old age on March 17 in the year 461 AD. I became a saint so long ago no one remembers when My feast day is on March 17th and I am the patron saint of Ireland

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