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 Connor Broglio

St. Anne School

D.A.R.E Essay

       “Teaching students decision making for safe and healthy livings.” This is the motto of the D.A.R.E program. Through the D.A.R.E  program, I have learned lots of things. Some things I learned from D.A.R.E are there are lots of hazards in smoking, you can talk your way out of things with confident communication, and people show signs when their stressed.

        One thing I learned in D.A.R.E is there are a lot of smoking hazards. Did you know that smoking is illegal if you are younger than eighteen? More than 400,000 United States citizens die each year from complications due to smoking. I do not want to be one  those unlucky people, so I am not going to smoke. Smoking can give you heart disease, lung cancer, yellow your teeth, and wrinkles. This could make you look like your sixty when you are really twenty. Nicotine can reduce the blood that comes to your brain which can cause problems. There are lots of bad things about smoking, so be smart and don’t smoke.

      Another thing I learned in D.A.R.E  is if you want people to listen, use confident communication. First, you will need to learn the stance. You need to look the person that you are talking to in the eye, and stand confidently and look like you mean it. When you communicate, speak confidently and believe what you are saying. Do not speak meanly or unsurely. By using confident communication, you are going to get people to listen. 

     The last thing I learned in D.A.R.E is the signs of stress. When you get stressed you can be embarrassed. Sometimes you will get frustrated. You start to act weird and get nervous. You will turn red because you are nervous. You may even get scared to move. When I get stressed I try to stay calm and look like everything's fine. You will get stressed in your life. Just try to stay calm. If you notice the sign of stress, try to calm yourself down.   

     A bunch of bad people are out in the world and I have learned lots of thing from the D.A.R.E program. Some things I learned from the D.A.R.E program are the hazards of smoking, a way to get out of tough situation is using confident communication, and how people show stress signs when they are stressed. D.A.R.E teaches people not to smoke, do drugs, and not to do bad things. My opinion about D.A.R.E is that everything that you learn in D.A.R.E should be put in your life to help you. I would like to thank Officer Whitt for being such an inspirational teacher. I pledge to never smoke and do anything that will harm my body.







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