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D.A.R.E. Essay

“Smoking is related to practically every terrible thing that can happen to you.” – Loni Anderson. I think that this quote can remind us of how D.A.R.E. helps us with our lives. D.A.R.E. teaches about what we should and shouldn’t do and the dangers of drugs. Some things that D.A.R.E. teaches are the chemicals and effects of smoking cigarettes, the effects of alcohol, and public speaking.

There are many chemicals and effects of smoking cigarettes. There are more than 200 known harmful chemicals in cigarettes. One of these is nicotine, an extremely addictive substance that is very dangerous. Nicotine reduces the amount of blood that flows to the brain which interferes with the brain’s function. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Almost 50,000 deaths per year can be attributed to secondhand smoke. More than 400,000 Americans die from tobacco related causes each year. There are many health effects to smoking. Smoking can cause heart disease and lung cancer. Smokers have more colds and upper respiratory problems. To me, smoking a cigarette is equivalent to setting your house on fire. 

Alcohol is another problem for all countries and states. Alcohol is illegal for anyone under 21 for many reasons. Most teens don’t drink alcohol because they learn the risks of drinking it. Teen bodies are still growing, so alcohol is worse for their body and their mind. Alcohol can slow down the mind and body. This can cause memory loss and slow reflexes. Too much alcohol can slow down the body until death. Alcohol can cause very serious health issues. Alcohol weakens the heart muscle and reduces the amount of blood flowing through your body. Alcohol goes directly in your bloodstream and can damage every organ in your body. 

D.A.R.E. is very important and a lot of people don’t realize it. D.A.R.E. teaches about the dangers of drugs. Some drugs we won’t know what they are when we encounter them. This can lead to negative effects on your body that you didn’t know would happen. D.A.R.E. teaches about bullying. D.A.R.E. teaches how to deal with bullies and avoid them. It also teaches not to harm people who make fun of you or laugh at you and to instead tell a teacher or adult.  D.A.R.E. taught me that public speaking is a very important skill to use and make useful. D.A.R.E. teaches and encourages public speaking at an early age. When you learn public speaking you can have many fun and interesting jobs because of it.

Chemicals and effects of smoking cigarettes, alcohol, and public speaking are some of the infinite things D.A.R.E. teaches. D.A.R.E. is an important part of our lives because without it the dangers of dying from addiction or drug use would sky rocket. However, D.A.R.E. teaches to just say no to be protected. D.A.R.E. could be one of the most important programs in the entire country. I pledge to never by any circumstances use drugs or peer pressure my friends or family into using drugs. 

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