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Tripp Huff St. Anne School

Why D.A.R.E Is Good

D.A.R.E. is a wonderful program that teaches us the harm that drugs and alcohol can have on our bodies and personal lives. People can choose not to do drugs and alcohol.  D.A.R.E helps us to make the decisions not to use. It gives us scenarios we could find ourself and friends in, and how to get out of those situations.  

Peer pressure is the main cause of drug and alcohol abuse. We think people are our friends, but they can be influenced by others and they try to make us use drugs.  The hardest thing to do sometimes is tell our friends no. However, D.A.R.E. teaches us it's OK to say no to drugs and alcohol. Therefore, we aren't telling our friends no, we are telling drugs and alcohol no. If someone doesn't want to be my friend because I don't want to use drugs or alcohol with them, then they arent my friend anyway.

Drugs & alcohol can have effects on the body like black lungs, pancreas failure, kidney and liver disease and impared senses. Drugs and alcohol can kill you if you take too much of them. They can make you choose to do bad things. They can make you do things you would never do if you weren't on them. They can change the person you really are on the inside. All it takes is one bad decision while on drugs or alcohol and it could change your life forever. This is also very bad for other people in your life, like your family or friends. 

Drugs can take you away from your family.  It can cost a lot of money for your parents.  It also scares the people that love you and they can’t trust you anymore.  If you do drugs, you can’t go to college or get good jobs either.  Drugs can ruin your whole life.

D.A.R.E. teaches us to make the right decisions and stay away from Drugs and alcohol.  We are stronger than the drugs and alcohol, but we have to trust in ourselves to say NO. No matter who it is, if they are trying to give us drugs they are not our true friends.  It's best to stay away from people that do drugs.

I promise to stay away from drugs.  I will also stay away from people that do drugs.  Last, I will do my best to make sure my friends don’t do drugs either.

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