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Wisconsin Geography


​Imagine packing up your bags to go on a hike. When you are on the hike you see hundreds of beautiful trees and hilly landscapes, making your jaw drop in mesmerization. Seeing this beauty, you know this is definitely Wisconsin. A temperate continental climate and lots of rain leads to lush forests and healthy grass. Lowlands, highlands, plains, uplands, and ridges make up the five land regions of Wisconsin. The state of Wisconsin is such a beautiful state that if one went there they would definitely want to go again.    

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The state of Wisconsin is located in the midwest region of the United States of America. The bordering states are Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois,and Iowa. Wisconsin is the fourth in America for having the most shoreline which stretches 1,830 square miles.  This state covers 56,140 square miles. Being a midsize state, it is ranked twentieth in the States. Wisconsin is definitely not the biggest state, but it still touches a few states.

The state of Wisconsin has a temperate continental climate. A temperate continental climate has precipitation throughout the year, with warm summers and long severe winters. Throughout the years, the highest and lowest temperatures ever recorded were 146 ℉ and -55 ℉. Wisconsin has an average high temperature of 70 ℉ in July and a low temperature of 14 ℉ in January. In the state of Wisconsin, there is an average yearly rainfall of thirty one inches. The state of Wisconsin has a very fascinating climate because of how far up north the state is in the United States.

In Wisconsin, the Western Upland is the fourth land region. The Western Upland region is the most attractive part of Wisconsin. On the land of the Western Upland, one can see steep slopes and winding ridges, untouched by glaciers that rise in the southwestern part of the region. The region has good soil but is too steep to farm.Although this region is the most attractive part of Wisconsin, one cannot do many useful things on the land.

Wisconsin has five beautiful land regions. Although the Lake Superior Lowland is a flat plain and is not the biggest region, it is still a beautiful region. The Lowland starts on the shoreline of Lake Superior and gradually slopes downward for about five to twenty miles where it ends at a steep cliff. Lake Superior covers 31,700 square miles. Lake Superior is 1,330 feet deep at its lowest point, and is 600 feet above sea level. The Lake Superior Lowland has flat land and a lake which keeps the ground moist all year around making it a good place to start a farm.

The Northern Highland region covers most of northern Wisconsin. The highland slopes upward toward the Lake Superior Lowland. In the highland, there is the highest peak in the state called Timms hill reaching a height of 1,952 feet above sea level. Forested hills and hundreds of small lakes make up most of this region. People love this region because of all the joyous things to see and do.


The Central plain region curves across the central part of Wisconsin. Glaciers used to cover the northeast part of the region. Much of the southern part of the region was too hot so glaciers could not form. The Wisconsin River carved a scenic gorge called the Wisconsin Dells. Stretching 430 miles, the Wisconsin Dells is very beautiful. One may go to this region to see the tourist sites or set sail on the Wisconsin Dell.

Land Regions 

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The Eastern Ridges and Lowlands region extends to the Green Bay area towards Illinois. One may see rolling plains, glacial material partly covering limestone ridges, and ridges that run north to south.This region is the richest agricultural section in Wisconsin with the longest growing season out of all the other regions. One will go to this region and love every bit of it.


If a person went to Wisconsin they would see such phenomenal beauty that they would always consider going again. The entire world is filled with extraordinary beauty but people are often rushed. Remarkably, not enough people get out to see the loveliness of the world. One may come to the United states to find a job or start a family but they take for granted what beauty is around them. Slow down and go outside and see the outstanding lush forests, rivers, and mountains. “The Earth has its music for those who will listen” -George Santayana.

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