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    My Own Thanksgiving

             Gobble Gobble I am a turkey and I am going to tell you what I do on  Thanksgiving. First I try to escape, but no, the dog rooster picks me up and puts me with the other turkeys on the farm. I mean come on it’s a holiday or the turkey’s holiday. I see a lot of turkey decorations on the farm but I never get to go out and see other turkey decorations. Well, I guess I can get some...

  I just remembered that we get extra food today. I also remembered that a turkey always disappears after we eat. Last year it was Bob. Man that turkey was fat. I bet he escaped. But how? Oh well, time to eat. I better get over there fast or the other turkeys are going to eat all the food just like what Bob did. I am the first turkey here. Oh man, there is so much food. I am going to start eating before the other turkeys get here. There are always two turkeys. Normally Lauren and Lily make up something crazy to explain how the turkeys disappeared after they eat.  

  Oh! Here they come! Lily and Lauren come right next to me to eat. They say, “we know what happened to Bob.” Lily says, “ the farmer is looking for the fattest  turkey on the farm.” Then Lauren buts in, “ because he is going to take the fattest turkey and cook the turkey and eat it.” “No that is just another story of yours,” I say. “No it is not,” they both said, “we heard him talking about it.” 

  “What is that sound?” I say. “It sounds like snoring.” “Oh come on,” they say as I try to run off. But the farmer picks me up and puts me in an oven and eats me for Thanksgiving. P.S. Lauren and Lily were right about the farmer eating turkeys.

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