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                                                    Holes Essay

     Stanley Yelnats the 4th is one unlucky boy. His name is Yelnats spelled backwards. My top three favorite changes in the movie is the ending when it rained, how Trout didn’t make Kate walk barefoot on the hot sand,  and how Mr. Sir got arrested.

     In the book “Holes,” there was a happy ending along with the movie. In the book, Stanley and Zero are in the car driving home, when it suddenly rains for the first time in 100 years. In the movie, Stanley and Zero are just about to leave when it rains. The characters celebrated with joy. They laughed and hugged. I liked the movie better because it was more dramatic. I think the director decided to change it because things would be more interesting and dramatic.

     Another change was in the movie was Trout didn’t make Kate walk on the hot sand as he did in the movie.   In the book, she wasn’t expecting Trout and his wife to come for the treasure. In both, they came out of nowhere. In the movie, Kate was outside. In the book, she was inside. When Trout came upon Kate, a yellow spotted lizard crawled into the scene. Kate grabbed it, and made it bite her. In the books scene, it jumped onto her leg and bit her. Trout didn’t make her walk across the hot sand in the movie, but he did in the book. Kate died laughing, saying “Better keep diggin.” Then died.   I liked the movie better because it wasn't very violent. I think the director made this change because it’s a kids movie, and it wouldn't be violent.

     When the lawyers came to pick up Stanley, Mr. Sir was trying to hide from someone. He was hiding his face with his shirt and clipboard. In the Movie, they said his name, but not in the book. The warden grabbed the clipboard, and handed it to the lawyer. “Hello, Mariam.” said one of the lawyers.  Then all the kids laughed. Mr. Sir and the others got arrested. I liked the Movie better because they announced his name. I think the Director changed that scene to make it more interesting.

     Stanley Yelnats got through all of these problems by breaking the curse. He broke the curse by carrying Hector Zeroni up the mountain.  There was big differences between the book and movie. My top 3 favorite changes in the movie were the ending when it rained, How Trout didn’t make Kate walk barefoot on the hot sand,  and how Mr. Sir got arrested. My favorite story was the movie because I thought it was more interesting and exiting.

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